living the vegan way in luxembourg.

Donnerstag, 22. April 2010

meat and masculinity according to moby

moby has a new book coming out called gristle. in an interview with the discerning brute joshua katcher, he talks about meat and masculinity:

i’ve always found it strange that macho guys express their masculinity by eating cows.
if you gonna be a badass, go eat a jaguar, you know, go wrestle, like chase a wolf in the woods an kill it with you teeth. and then i’ll be impressed with someones masculinity. but like eating a vegetarian animal that is standing docile in a field… chickens and cows, i don’t know how anybody proves their masculinity by eating a chicken or a cow.

guys will talk about: yeah, let’s have a rare steak!
i’m like: what you are talking about is an uncooked vegetarian animal that doesn’t have the sense of mind to run away from you when you chase it.

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